Just How Safe Is Riding Your Bike in Las Vegas?

ER Injury Attorneys
Las Vegas biking safety

May is National Bike Month and with summer on the horizon, more people will be getting their bicycles out. Bike safety is important, especially when riding your bike in Las Vegas. Between 2015 and 2019, 41 bicyclists lost their lives on Nevada roadways. On top of that, each year, hundreds of cyclists suffer from personal injuries caused by cars, other bicycles, and even pedestrians.

Even though biking is becoming increasingly popular throughout the Valley, Las Vegas does not have the best track record when it comes to prioritizing the safety of bicyclists. The organization People For Bikes ranks Las Vegas at a 48/100 for bicycle safety. 
In this blog, our Las Vegas personal injury attorneys review the dangers of riding a bicycle and provide some safety tips to avoid a bicycle accident.

What Makes Las Vegas Dangerous for Bicyclists?

In 2015, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ranked Las Vegas as one of the top three dangerous cities for bike riders—just behind Albuquerque and Tucson. There are several factors that contribute to making Las Vegas one of the most dangerous places to ride a bike. 

  • Drivers Not Accommodating Cyclists: Even though Las Vegas has more than 500 miles of dedicated bike lanes, Las Vegas drivers aren’t noted for being kind to bikers. Additionally, many drivers either aren’t aware of Las Vegas bike laws or refuse to share the road.
  • Drivers Engaging in Risky Behavior: Along with drivers not following bicycle safety laws, risky driving behaviors are also a contributing factor to Las Vegas being dangerous for bike riders. Negligent and risky driving behaviors like speeding, driving under the influence, failing to give the right of way, driving in bike lanes, and texting while driving make commuting by bicycle dangerous.
  • Construction and Infrastructure Changes: Las Vegas is constantly growing and changing, and with this comes construction and infrastructure changes. To meet this demand, roads in Vegas are plagued by almost constant construction. Unfortunately, active construction zones are often the scene of car accidents. Tourists that are unfamiliar with the area also add extra danger to bike riders.

How to Stay Safe While Riding Your Bike in Las Vegas

As the number of both resident and tourists bike riders grow in Las Vegas, local lawmakers have enacted safety measures and legislation protecting bicyclists in Southern Nevada. Even with these safety measures, it’s still important to remain vigilant when riding a bike. You can’t control what other drivers, pedestrians, or bike riders are going to do when on the road, but you can following the Southern Nevada Bicycle Coalition’s Las Vegas bike safety tips:

Protect Your Head

Wearing a helmet is the first and most important thing you can do to protect yourself when riding a bike. Bike riders who wear a helmet have an advantage of additional protection if they are involved in an accident. Make sure your helmet fits properly; it should be snug but not too tight. Wearing a helmet when riding a bike might just save your life and prevent brain injuries.

Stay Visible

Attententive, law-abiding drivers can hit bicyclists due to low visibility. Increase your visibility both day and night by wearing brightly colored clothing, using reflective gear, and using front and rear bike lights. 

Use Bicycle Friendly Routes

Staying in designated bike lanes can help keep you safe. These areas have lower speed limits, broader shoulders, and defined bike lanes. Visit the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC) website to download bike maps. 

Be Predictable

When riding a bicycle, other riders and drivers can’t read your mind. To keep everyone safe, bicycle riders should extend their arms in the direction they will be turning at least 100 feet ahead of time. Before changing lanes, look over your shoulder and avoid swerving or darting in between cars. 

Ride Defensively

Bike riders, like car drivers, should always drive defensively. Here are a few things you can do to ride defensively: 

  • Maintain a safe distance from the curb
  • Yield to the right of way to pedestrians
  • Make eye contact with drivers at intersections
  • Stay out of blind spots
  • Always assume other drivers can’t see you—even if you have the right of way
Las Vegas biking safety

What to Do If You’re Hit by a Car in Las Vegas

Even the most cautious bike riders can get hit by a cart in Las Vegas. If you or someone you love has been injured while riding a bike in Las Vegas due to someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to considerable compensation for your medical bills, lost earnings, pain and suffering, and other expenses.

Call 702-878-7878 ER Injury Attorneys to learn more about how a Las Vegas bike accident attorney may help you establish your claim and maximize your compensation. Our experienced attorneys offer free, no obligation consultations where we review your case and explain your legal options. 

If you choose to use our services, you will not be charged anything until we are successful in recovering compensation. For more information and to schedule your consultation, contact us today.

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