ER Injury Attorneys 702-878-7878

Henderson Work Zone Accidents Lawyer

Henderson was the second-fastest-growing city in Nevada between 2010 and 2020, with a population increase of 23.2% according to the U.S. Census Bureau (USCB). The growth has continued thanks to more companies allowing employees to telecommute. With thousands of new houses and dozens of shopping centers being built in Henderson, construction zones are plentiful, which can lead to various accidents. If you’ve been in an accident in a construction zone then a Henderson work zone accidents lawyer from ER Injury Attorneys can help you get compensation.

The Henderson personal injury lawyers at ER Injury Attorneys are available 24/7 to take your call at 702-878-7878. Our staff can help you find top Nevada medical professionals that specialize in your particular injuries while building a case designed to win you the highest settlement possible. Let us handle all of your legal needs so that you can focus on what matters most–your health.

Henderson Work Zone Accidents Lawyer

How Do Henderson Construction Zone Accidents Happen?

Construction sites can be complicated projects that have dozens of workers and several pieces of heavy machinery that move extremely large objects. With so many things that can go wrong, it’s easy to understand why the chances of a car accident or pedestrian accident are higher in a work zone.

The Henderson work zone accident lawyers at ER Injury Attorneys have successfully served clients that received injuries due to:

  • Road Debris: Work zones leave all sorts of debris on sidewalks and streets. This can lead to slip and fall accidents and car accidents.
  • Worker Negligence: Some construction workers may not show proper care while operating heavy equipment, while others forget to post warning signs. Even simple oversights can lead to serious accidents.
  • Construction Noise: Equipment like jackhammers and cement mixers can generate a lot of noise. This can make it difficult for motorists and pedestrians to hear surrounding conditions, which can lead to accidents.
  • Drivers Failing to Slow Down: Some motorists ignore work zone speed limits, which puts everyone around them at risk of an injury.
  • Narrow Lanes: Many construction projects require a temporary narrowing of lanes. Some motorists do not handle this well, either due to a lack of attention or a lack of driving skill. This makes them more likely to hit other motorists or pedestrians.

Common Types of Construction Zone Injuries

Work zone accident injuries can range from minor bruises and cuts to life-altering catastrophic injuries. The Henderson construction zone injuries lawyers at ER Injury Attorneys have recovered money for clients that have suffered from:

In extreme cases, the family’s of work zone accident victims can get compensation in the event of wrongful death.

Contact a Henderson Work Zone Accidents Lawyer

ER Injury Attorneys can help you get the money that you deserve for construction zone accidents caused by the negligence or recklessness of another party. This includes compensation for medical expenses, ongoing treatment, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. Getting a proper settlement can be extremely stressful and you do not need additional stress on top of your injuries. Let ER Injury Attorneys take care of all your legal needs so that you can focus your efforts on recovery.

Contact us today and take the first step towards justice. You can reach us by phone at 702-878-7878 and online through LiveChat or secure contact form. Remember, consultations are free and you do not pay any legal fees unless money has been recovered on your behalf. To get the settlement you deserve while being treated with the respect that you deserve, call ER Injury Attorneys today.