ER Injury Attorneys 702-878-7878

Preventing Ski and Snowboard Injuries at Lee Canyon

Ski injuries

Lee Canyon is a convenient ski resort located just outside of Las Vegas, Nevada. It offers stunning views, challenging terrain, and plenty of powder to keep skiers and snowboarders happy. It is important to remember that no matter how experienced you are, there is always the risk of ski injuries and snowboard injuries. Knowing how to prevent them can make the difference between a memorable winter adventure and a trip to the emergency room.

Before you hit the slopes this season, ER Injury Attorneys’ Las Vegas injury lawyers offer some tips on how to prevent both ski and snowboard injuries. 

Common Types of Ski and Snowboard Injuries

Since both skiing and snowboarding are physically demanding activities that occur in a harsh climate, there is a higher risk of injury. The wide range of skiing and snowboarding injuries involves many areas of the body. Understanding the most common ski injuries can help you prepare, prevent, and stay safe on the slopes. 

Some of the most common types of ski injuries and snowboard injuries include: 

9 Ways to Prevent Ski Injuries and Snowboard Injuries

  1. Take Lessons 

If you’re a beginner, or even if you’re just a little rusty, taking lessons is the best way to learn how to ski or snowboard safely. A qualified instructor can teach you the proper technique and help you avoid common mistakes. 

  1. Wear a helmet

This is one of the most effective ways to prevent both ski injuries and snowboard injuries. Helmets can absorb impact, reducing the severity of head injuries. Choose a helmet that fits snugly and meets current safety standards.

  1. Dress in layers

Dress in layers that you can easily add or remove to stay comfortable and avoid overheating. Wear waterproof and breathable clothing as well as properly fitted boots. The glare off the snow is bright, so don’t forget about sunscreen and sunglasses, even on cloudy days. 

  1. Never Ski or Snowboard Alone

While this might not entirely prevent ski injuries, having a buddy or a group allows you to look out for each other and help each other in case of an accident. 

  1. Ski responsibly 

 It’s important to ski or snowboard within your limits. Be honest with yourself about your skill level. Skiing or snowboarding beyond your skill level and experience is a quick way to find yourself injured. Start on easier slopes and gradually progress to more challenging terrain as you improve. Additionally, never ski or snowboard under the influence of alcohol or marijuana

  1. Take breaks

One of the easiest ways to prevent ski injuries is to simply take a break. Take breaks throughout the day to rest and avoid fatigue, which can lead to impaired judgment and increased risk of accidents. Also, stay hydrated and make sure to have snacks on hand. 

  1. Be aware of your surroundings

Pay attention to the terrain, other skiers and snowboarders, and the weather conditions. Be prepared to adjust your speed and lines accordingly.

  1. Warm up your muscles

One of the simplest ways to prevent ski injuries is to warm up your muscles before hitting the slopes. Do some light cardio like taking a brisk walk, jog, or jumping jacks. Do some light core exercises like side planks, planks, and bird dogs. These stabilize your upper body and improve balance, both crucial for skiing and snowboarding. This is a simple step that might save you from a catastrophic injury

  1. Check your gear

Whether you rent gear, or use your own, ensuring that your ski and snowboard equipment is in good condition reduces the risk of accidents and injuries. Faulty equipment, such as bindings that are not properly adjusted or damaged ski edges, can lead to accidents on the slopes. Properly tuned edges and bindings adjusted to your specifications will also enhance your experience, allowing for better control and maneuverability. 

Contact a Las Vegas Personal Injury Attorney Today 

If you’re going to hit the slopes at Lee Canyon this winter, following these tips and knowing the common types of ski injuries and snowboard injuries can help you stay safe and hopefully free of injuries. Just remember that because you’re staying safe doesn’t mean everyone else is doing the same. If you are injured due to the negligence or recklessness of another individual, defective gear, or poorly maintained ski resort, one of our Las Vegas personal injury lawyers can help look out for your best interests. 

Our dedicated team of personal injury attorneys is here to help you understand your legal options, fight for the compensation you deserve, and achieve the best possible outcome for your case. We’ve helped clients in Las Vegas, Henderson, Summerlin, Boulder City, and Pahrump obtain damages like pain and suffering, lost wages, and more for their injuries. We are available 24/7 to help.

Contact us 24/7 by calling 702-878-7878, via LiveChat, or by filling out our contact form for your free case consultation. 

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