ER Injury Attorneys 702-878-7878

What To Do After a Slip and Fall Accident in a Las Vegas Casino?

slip and fall casino accident

A slip and fall casino accident isn’t uncommon when visiting Las Vegas. With millions of tourists visiting every year, accidents are bound to happen. While everyone visits Las Vegas hoping to have a great time, a slip and fall casino accident can not only ruin your entire trip but can leave you with a catastrophic injury. After a slip and fall, many injury victims are left wondering what to do. The Las Vegas personal injury lawyers at ER Injury Attorneys review the steps to take after a casino slip and fall accident and what you need to do to start your claim. 

Slip and Fall Accident Injuries

Just like at any other location, casinos can be a dangerous place for slip and fall accidents. More often than not, slip and fall accidents happen because of negligence. All business and property owners owe their visitors a duty of care to maintain their property and keep it safe. However, when property owners fail to do so, accidents happen. 

While anyone can fall and find themselves injured, the most vulnerable groups to falling are those over the age of 65 and those who suffer from particular physical conditions. These are the main reasons why people slip and fall in casinos: 

  • Liquid spills and leaks that are ignored by staff, supervisors, or property owners 
  • Uneven sidewalks
  • Poorly maintained walking surfaces
  • Debris and clutter in walking spaces
  • Poor lighting in areas with heavy foot traffic
  • Loose or damaged handrails on staircases
  • Other unmarked hazards 

Those who experience a slip and fall casino accident may suffer from painful injuries that take weeks, months, or even years to heal. Common injuries from slip and fall accidents include: 

Along with the serious injuries mentioned above, neck and spinal injuries, muscle strains/sprains, cuts, bruises, and dislocations are also injuries our legal team has helped clients obtain compensation for from slip and fall accidents. 

No matter what injury you sustained from a slip and fall casino accident, it’s important to contact a personal injury attorney right away.

Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall

You should take the following steps soon after a fall in a casino to help strengthen your personal injury claim.

  • Take photos/video of the accident scene: make sure to record and document the specifics before the casino cleans up the mess that led to your fall. Record the date, time, and location.
  • Gather witness information: it’s likely there were witnesses to your fall in a crowded casino. Don’t be afraid to ask witnesses for their names and phone numbers, especially if they rushed over to help you after the accident. Their testimony may have an impact on the outcome of your case.
  • Fill out an incident report and inform management: reporting the fall to casino management not only enables management to remedy the hazard but also requires the casino to record the accident on their end. Also, fill out an incident report with the casino and snap a photo of it to keep as proof of the incident.
  • Get immediate medical attention: always seek emergency medical assistance after a fall. Falls can be shocking, which triggers the production of adrenaline. This frequently conceals the pain of an injury and can easily deceive you into thinking that you are not injured. Days later, pain may begin. Your injury can be treated before it worsens by seeking medical attention. Additionally, a medical evaluation may help your claim. 
  • Avoid speaking to the insurance company: after a slip and fall, the casino’s insurance company will probably contact you and try to convince you to accept a settlement. Do not speak to them, as what you tell them can impact your claim amount.

Contact ER Injury Attorneys After Slip and Fall Casino Accident

After completing the steps mentioned above, it’s vital to contact a personal injury attorney. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you obtain compensation for your injuries, which can lead to lost wages, pain and suffering, mounting medical bills, and more. You shouldn’t have to suffer physical, emotional, and financial distress due to someone else’s negligence. 

If you or a loved one have experienced a slip and fall casino accident in Las Vegas, ER Injury Attorneys can help with a free case consultation.Get in touch with us as soon as possible by calling 702-878-7878. Also, you can reach us via LiveChat, or by filling out our contact form.