ER Injury Attorneys 702-878-7878

THANK YOU: Candlelighters Share Appreciation for $5,000 Donation

March 16, 2021

ER Injury Attorneys
Corey Eschweiler
4795 S. Durango Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89147

Candlelighters logo

Dear Corey,

Someone joined our Candlelighters family today.

Someone ensured our kiddos, in the midst of a pandemic, were able to connect with their friends through Creative Expressions, Virtual Camp and Teen Scene. Someone helped a dad care for his nauseous son by paying for their taxi ride home from the latest chemo appointment. Someone sent a birthday card to a young girl celebrating another year of life despite the odds. Someone helped a family keep a roof over their heads when their rent was just one more bill on top of a stack of other ones. Someone sent a bag to a newly diagnosed family with toiletries for emergency hospital runs, warm blankets for cold hospital beds, and a deck of cards to pass the time.

Someone joined the Candlelighters family today to be a hero to the hundreds of Las Vegas families affected by childhood cancer.

That someone was you. THANK YOU.

Your generous support brings these programs to children and families who need them most because that’s what family does. Thank you for being part of our family extended.


Kimberly Kindig

Your $5,000 donation was received on March 5, 2021 to Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation of Nevada, may be tax-deductible (pursuant NRS 598). No goods or services were provided in exchange for this donation. Candlelighters Federal Tax ID number is 94-25791 16.

Click to view original letter.