ER Injury Attorneys 702-878-7878

Preventing UNLV Car Accidents: Campus Safety Tips

UNLV car accidents

University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) is a vibrant and active campus, with thousands of students, faculty, and staff commuting to and from campus every day. With so much traffic on and near campus, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and drive safely. Along with car accidents, there are many pedestrians and bicycles on campus to further contribute to the increased risk of accidents. The Las Vegas personal injury attorneys offer some tips for drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists to help prevent UNLV car accidents. 

Tips to Prevent UNLV Car Accidents

In order to prevent UNLV car accidents, everyone on campus must follow some simple safety guidelines and practice responsible driving habits. Whether you’re driving to class, walking from your dorm, or pedaling to the lecture hall, there are certain things you can do to help promote a safer environment on campus. 

Tips for Drivers

  • Obey the speed limit: following the speed limit is one of the easiest ways to prevent UNLV car crashes. The speed limit on most college campuses is much lower than other areas, so It’s important to obey the speed limit for the safety of pedestrians, cyclists, and other drivers. 
  • Yield to pedestrians: college campuses are known for having many pedestrians, especially during the day time when classes are in session. Pedestrians always have the right-of-way in crosswalks, so be sure to come to a complete stop and let them cross before proceeding.
  • Be aware of your surroundings: watch out for pedestrians, bicycles, and other vehicles, especially when turning or backing out. College campuses can be busy and congested and UNLV is no exception, so it’s important to be extra alert.
  • Do not drive distracted: this means no texting, talking on the phone, or eating and drinking while driving. Distracted driving is a major cause of collisions, so it’s important to focus on the road when you’re behind the wheel.
  • Park in designated areas only: do not park in fire lanes, crosswalks, or other unauthorized areas. Not only will you likely find a parking ticket on your window, illegal parking can create hazards for other drivers and pedestrians.
  • Use caution in parking garages and when backing out of parking spaces: parking garages can be narrow and congested, so it’s important to drive slowly and carefully. Back out slowly and carefully from your parking spot and watch for pedestrians and other vehicles behind you.

Tips for Bicycles

  • Follow traffic rules: bicyclists are considered vehicles on the road, so obey traffic signals, stop signs, and all road signs. Use hand signals to indicate turns and stops. Always ride with the flow of traffic, never ride against traffic.
  • Stay Visible: make sure your bicycle is equipped with reflectors and lights, especially if you ride at night. Wear brightly colored clothing and use reflective accessories to enhance your visibility. 
  • Use bike plans and paths: always stick to designated bike lanes and paths on campus. These areas are designed to keep cyclists safe and separate from vehicle traffic. Riding your bicycle on a sidewalk or another area is hazardous for everyone, including you.
  • Watch for cars and pedestrians: just like drivers, bicyclists should always be aware of their surroundings, especially when riding in high-traffic areas on campus or at night. 
  • Maintain your bicycle: if you regularly ride your bicycle, it is important to perform routine maintenance just as you would with a car. Make sure your tires are inflated, your brakes work properly, the chain is functioning, etc. This is often overlooked as a way that bike riders can help prevent UNLV car accidents. A blown out bike tire in the road or faulty breaks can easily lead to an accident.

Tips for Pedestrians 

  • Pay attention to your surroundings: even though pedestrians usually have the right of way, you should still always be aware when walking on UNLV’s campus. Avoid texting, talking on the phone, or listening to music while walking. 
  • Use crosswalks and sidewalks: always use the crosswalk and stay on the sidewalk. Look both ways before crossing, even if you have the right of way. 
  • Make eye contact: when crossing in front of vehicles, make eye contact with the driver to ensure they see you. 
  • Walk in groups: If possible, walk with others, especially during the evening or in less-traveled areas. This makes you more visible to other drivers and pedestrians. 

Other Ways to Stay Safe at UNLV

Along with those tips for drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians mentioned above, there a few other things to keep in mind to help prevent UNLV car accidents, such as: 

  • Be aware of construction zones: college campuses, including UNLV, are often under construction, so be sure to obey all traffic signs and signals in construction zones.
  • Don’t drink and drive: this should be a no-brainer, but it’s especially important for college students to be aware of the dangers of drunk driving. If you’ve been drinking, find a sober ride home.
  • Know what’s happening on campus: UNLV is a home to a variety of events, including sporting events, concerts, and conferences. These events can generate a lot of traffic, so be sure to plan ahead. 
  • Check the weather: the warm, desert climate of Las Vegas might be welcomed by students from out of town, but there are some local weather hazards that can make commuting dangerous, including high winds, extreme heat, and monsoons

It’s a good idea to have the contact information for University Police Services handy and to familiarize yourself with the services they offer. Additionally, one of the most important ways to stay safe on UNLV’s campus is to download RebelSAFE, the official safety app of UNLV. 

It provides a number of features for students, faculty, and staff, including real-time chat with campus police dispatch, anonymous crime tips, one-touch dialing to campus police, an emergency notification system, and a virtual escort to share your GPS location with a friend or family member. 

Injured in a UNLV Car Accident? Contact ER Injury Attorneys

Preventing UNLV car accidents is important for everyone on campus. By following these tips, you can help to create a safer driving environment for yourself and others. However, not everyone drives safely and follows the rules of the road. If you or a loved one is injured in an auto accident on UNLV’s campus due to the negligence or recklessness of another, the Las Vegas car accident lawyers at ER Injury Attorneys can help you get the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free case consultation. 

We’ve helped clients in Las Vegas, Henderson, Summerlin, Boulder City, and Pahrump who’ve been injured in school zone accidents. Contact us 24/7 by calling 702-878-7878, via LiveChat, or by filling out our contact form for your free case consultation. 

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