ER Injury Attorneys 702-878-7878

Henderson Bicycle Accidents Lawyer

With more than 180 miles of designated bike trails, Henderson, Nevada is a fantastic place for bicycle enthusiasts. Whether you prefer hitting asphalt, dirt, or pavement, the city has a variety of trails that can be enjoyed by riders of all ages and skill levels. Popular choices include Amargosa Trail, Pittman Wash Trail, and River Mountains Loop Trail. While biking is mostly safe in Henderson, there are times when accidents happen through no fault of your own. This is when you need a Henderson bicycle accidents lawyer at your service.

Henderson bicycle accidents lawyer

If you’ve been in a bike accident caused by the negligence or recklessness of another party then contact ER Injury Attorneys immediately at 702-878-7878. Our experienced team of Henderson personal injury lawyers can connect you with top medical professionals in Clark County as they start building a case designed to win you the highest possible settlement.

Why Do Henderson Bike Accidents Happen?

Bicycle accidents caused by another party happen for a wide variety of reasons. Sometimes they’re caused by drivers that do not follow the rules of the road. Other times they’re caused by negligent property owners. The Henderson bicycle accidents lawyer team at ER Injury Attorneys has successfully represented clients that have suffered injuries caused by:

  • Reckless drivers
  • Distracted drivers
  • Motorists that fail to yield to bicyclists
  • Drivers that open their doors before checking for bicyclists
  • Motorists impaired by alcohol or drugs
  • Motorists that drift into bike lanes
  • Property owners that obstruct bicycle paths
  • Property owners that fail to clean public paths

No matter the cause of your accident, you deserve to be compensated for your injuries if they were caused by another party. Our Henderson bike accidents attorneys can help make sure that you receive compensation for medical expenses, physical therapy, pain and suffering, lost wages, and more.

What Are Common Bike Accident Injuries?

Bicycle accidents can be severe considering that riders are relatively unprotected. This is especially true when a motor vehicle is involved. The impact caused by a car or truck weighing thousands of pounds can be devastating to a bicyclist that’s only protected by a helmet. Over the years, our Henderson bicycle accidents lawyers have served clients that have suffered from:

While many bike accident injuries heal over time, some can cause permanent damage. Whether your life is impacted for a few weeks or if it’s permanently altered, you deserve fair compensation from the party that caused your injuries. 

Many times insurance companies will try to pressure you into accepting a quick settlement that only covers a fraction of your expenses. Let the Henderson personal injury lawyers at ER Injury Attorneys fight back on your behalf.

Contact a Henderson Bicycle Accidents Lawyer

The Henderson injury lawyers at ER Injury Attorneys are available to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can reach out team by phone at 702-878-7878 and online through LiveChat or by filling out this secure contact form.

Consultations are free and we do not charge any legal fees unless your case is won. In addition to offering high-quality legal services, our staff takes great pride in treating our clients with the compassion and respect they deserve. For an unbeatable blend of impeccable legal representation and unparalleled customer service, contact ER Injury Attorneys today.