Henderson Dangerous Products Lawyer

Consumers have the right to purchase and use a product risk-free. Conversely, companies are obligated to properly develop and test these goods to ensure that they are safe for use or consumption before putting them on the market. However, this is not always the case. The Henderson dangerous products lawyers at ER Injury Attorneys have helped numerous clients recover financial damages after suffering injuries or losing a loved one as a result of unsafe products.
If you or a loved one have been injured or suffered from a wrongful death due to a dangerous product, contact our Henderson personal injury lawyers today at 702-878-7878.
What Are Dangerous Products?
Dangerous products fall under the legal umbrella of product liability. A product is deemed defective when it does not perform as promised or according to specifications and injures or harms the user in the process. Your life might be substantially changed by defective products if you suffer a serious accident that results in injury and pain and suffering. A product that causes damage and does not perform as promised may give rise to a personal injury claim that might result in compensation for your losses.
Defects in warning, manufacturing flaws, and defective designs are the three categories under which defective items fall. Here are descriptions and examples of each category of defective products.
- Defects in Warning: When a product is sold without giving any prior notice of potential risk or injury, it falls into the category of defects in warning. Example: a product that can cause injury that is sold without a warning label.
- Manufacturing Defects: Products with design flaws in their components fall under this category. This is the most prevalent type of dangerous product. Example: automobiles that are sold with malfunctioning components are the most prevalent example of manufacturing defects.
- Defective Design: This occurs when there is an actual defect in the design of the product which causes it to malfunction. Example: a car part that malfunctions and leads to a car accident.
A Henderson dangerous products lawyer can assist you in obtaining compensation for injuries brought on by dangerous products, regardless of the sort of defective product that caused your harm.
Examples of Dangerous Products?
Any product that is either meant to be consumed or used can be defined as a dangerous product if it does not function as intended and causes injury. Some examples of dangerous products include:
- Drugs and medical devices that cause harmful side effects
- Defective car parts
- Electronics that overheat and cause fires and other injuries
- Harmful products sold without proper warning labels and safety information
Contact our Henderson Dangerous Product Lawyers
Unfortunately, dangerous products are sold every day to consumers who are unaware of the harm they can cause. With the help of a Henderson dangerous products lawyer from ER Injury Attorneys, we can seek justice for any injuries or wrongful death caused by a flawed or defective product.
To start your dangerous product personal injury claim, contact us for a free case consultation. You can reach our team 24/7 by phone at 702-878-7878 or through LiveChat or contact form.